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As anybody another, V.Derjugin is capable to open in model its(her) most attractive properties, observing exclusive feeling of a measure, not resorting to rough flattery. People submitted on his(its) portraits, are marked by self-respect, work of soul and mind(wit). Did not become exception and this man's portrait. A passing suffices spectator at once to define(determine) a professional accessory(belonging) портретируемого. It is the scientist, most soon, the geographer (to what presence of the globe on the distant plan testifies).
The artist offers to look at this person as though from below upwards. Sensation of significance to an image give also the handle of an armchair as a lion, gray-haired whisky, a high forehead, the strong-willed person - all emphasizes an accessory(a belonging) портретируемого to elite of a society.
Colour of a picture is constrained. It is very interesting to observe, how the artist works with color tone. In the bottom part of a portrait of a paint are condensed, covering with a dark veil of a hand, an armchair, the globe, but as approaching the centre tone of a composition clears up, becomes светлее and is more transparent, and at a level of the person it(he) reaches(achieves) the best contrast force.
The impression is created, that on model whence the daylight from above falls. Similar reception well works on disclosing of an image портретируемого, as person, ideas устремленного to the sky, but firmly worth on legs.
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