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To revive the look of the model, various artistic techniques are used, many of which are also owned by V. Deryugin. So, in the portrait image of Nelly, in order to convey the liveliness of the character of the model, the artist in an interesting way organizes the movement in the space of the picture. A figure dressed in a white evening dress, contrasting with the dark background, is already in the “tonal movement”. But the portraitist does not stop there. To express the mobility of the model, he puts it on the bottom step of a wide staircase. The flight of stairs in the space of the room occurs diagonally. Starting in the lower left corner of the composition, it ends with a spectacular bend in the upper right corner. Such a construction in the composition gives the depicted dynamics, since the viewer has the opportunity to imagine, finish in his imagination, as the portrait is descending the stairs. Thus, the feeling is created that the three-dimensional space of the picture expands due to the fourth dimension - the movement in time.
The next effect used by the artist is chiaroscuro, which is very active in the whole space of the picture. Moreover, this light is very cheerful in mood. He is like a sunbeam, which first lit up the woman's smiling face, and then ran through the interior.
The plastic motif of the model’s clothes is also dynamic and consists of numerous ruffles of fabric that revitalize the outfit portrayed. And here is the result - in the portrait with the dog we see a woman who is alive, only for a moment, frozen in movement, who is about to laugh, speak to the audience or, quickly turning away from them, goes up the stairs.
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