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Сикстинская Мадонна Семейная летопись.Recently in moods of our citizens a lot of place began to borrow(occupy) ideas of Chinese doctrine Фэн-шуй. Following his(its) recommendations, many compatriots were assured, that everything of what the person dreams, by all means if his(its) desire will be embodied in the art form can come true and in such kind will enter an interior of dwelling. Therefore solvent clients frequently began to address to artists with the request to create a picture which will involve family happiness in the house, riches and well-being. The " Сикстинскую the madonna " Рафаэль has written more than 500 years ago. This one of the products of world(global) art most glorified and known to the broad audience in whom the deepest and most fine theme of motherhood has found an embodiment. To have a similar work of art of a house - the big aesthetic pleasure and a moral lesson. However, to the customer was to be content with a copy of the given picture a little. It(he) has asked V.Derjugina to create the family portrait on its(her) composite basis. As far as expressive and interesting similar experiment has turned out, each of spectators independently let will estimate. However, we shall note, that magic force of portrait images has justified itself. And this portrait has brought the world, love and peace of mind in family. At least, the customer is convinced of it.