О портрете
The hobby of our compatriots for military - historical reconstruction has had an effect and on a portrait genre. Orders for works in which the person appears at the spectator in a military suit and figurative mood of epoch interesting it(him) - a popular direction in modern portrait painting. In represented work we can see, as far as well knows V.Derjugin a genre of a heroic portrait and as successfully the master is able to work with historical reconstruction.Before us - the man with appearance of our contemporary, but dressed in a uniform of the naval officer of times of reign of Alexander I-го. As a background портретируемому the sea landscape with the ship worth on road and coastal фортификационным strengthening serves.
The color scale is a smooth transition of heavenly gentle - blue paints to охристо-golden and earty, dark brown. The similar color allocation successfully works on disclosing of the basic maintenance(contents) of an image. The sensation of the world and a peace of mind which the Russian officer is called to protect is created.
The figure of the militarian shown almost in full growth, arises as a certain rock or a watchtower growing from the bottom edge(territory) of a frame and устремленная to the sky.
Our hero is truly noble, courageous, self-denying and patriotic.
Looking at this portrait, you understand, as far as work which was done by the artist is complex(difficult). It was necessary for it(him) to recreate an image of classical epoch to not be mistaken in historical details of a military suit and accessories. To give портретируемому heroic shape, not having lost thus of individual character traits of model.
It is thought, that the similar portrait does a pleasure the customer pleasure from artistic transformation. And let in modern life there is not enough place a feat and heroism, but all this becomes possible(probable) due to talent of the artist.
Искуствовед Некрылова Л.П.
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